Hope you are all planning to come along next Wednesday.  Here’s how it works…….
  • come to the Fitz Park pavilion at 6 or thereafter
  • sociable people sign in and run, jog or walk to the top of Latrigg (U11s to gorse corner)
  • competitive people sign in AND OUT (with time) leaving as late as you dare to run to the top of Latrigg and back but you MUST be back by 7 to be counted in for the prize
  • injured/not running people also welcome, come early and be useful by signing people in and out, judging silly costumes, getting food ready, just being sociable
  • BBQ from 7:  a free burger or sausage in a roll for all participants
  • bar will be open for drinks
  • feel free to bring salad or cake to add to the feast
AND, if you can, come dressed in green and gold, silly prizes available for best outfits!
As I say, hope to see lots of you there.  Knowing approximate numbers will help so please send a fast email or answer the one on the club Facebook event page.

The Committee