
On Sunday, early cloud on the mountain tops cleared to leave terrific conditions for the final Keswick AC fell race of the season. 57 runners lined up to tackle Dale Head, via a tough straight up and down route from Rosthwaite. The water level in the River Derwent had dropped enough to let athletes splash their way onto the fell, and Borrowdale’s Ted Ferguson took an early lead on the way up to the quarry.

Supporters of all ages dotted the route, providing welcome encouragement to all
runners on the gruelling climb.

When it came to the descent, Keswick AC’s Carl Bell was in his element, and returned to the Rosthwaite show field first in a time of 46:38. Meanwhile, Jo Gillyon was making it a double for Keswick AC by winning the women’s race in 71:05.
The prospect of Club Championship points ensured a big turnout from Keswick AC and CFR runners, who demonstrated the club’s strength in depth leading into the fell relay season.

Keswick Results:
1 st Carl Bell
7 th Alastair Thomas
12 th Andrew Slattery
14 th Craig Smith
20 th Chris Brewer
21 st Pez Bullen
22 nd John Beetham
23 rd Tom Day
28 th Michael Mallen
29 th Colin Valentine
31 st Damian Kimmins
34 th Gary Mason
40 th Jo Gillyon
48 th Lesley Malarkey
53 rd Nicky Butler


Full results :